Saturday, March 20, 2010


Cuba bayangkan aku duk kat blik sorang2...Romate aku pindah p kediaman kat kampus lg satu...Borink gla aku kat dml bilik...Kadang2 ble wat aku ckp sorang2..Tp bkn aku gila just buang tebiat jak...hehe...Apa aku nak wat sbnrnya ni...Aku ni klu dah borink, pandai merepek..Kadang2 aku pun ndak paham apa yg aku merepek..Haha..
Rasa2nya, klu lelaki nsome lah kan dy pndg x pompuan yg biasa2 ni...Mana lah tau kan, llki nsome ni ska dgn pompuan yg seksi dan cantik jak... Kadang2 aku x faham llki ni..Sbb aku susah nak baca apa yg mereka fikir... Mungkin aku x dpt baca sbb aku kan pompuan...haha..Solan bodoh lah klu tnya aku mcm tu...
Cinta, ko rasa cinta tu apa????....Sometimes when u feel in love, u can't describe to people around u..Bcoz the person feel about love is you... Not the other people... Only you can understand your hearth... People only know talk about this and that...But they doesn't know what you actually feel...
Aku ska merepek gna ayat owang putih ni...Mo tunjuk temberang skjp..Padahal english failed...Haha... But i don't care, depend to me lah kan...Hahaha..
Ok, skang kt ceta sal d mana ada kemahuan d situ ada jalan...D mana ada jalan d sana ada raya...hahaha...(kes borink thp gaban ni)...Tp blm smpi tahap borink mamposs lah..Klu borink thp mampus..Mati lah...Aku akan merepek thp ko dan aku x akan paham melainkan makhluk asing...Itu pun klu makhluk asing paham...wakakaka...
I feel very weird, sometimes he can tell me that he love me..But when i know the truth, he only lie to me... Eventhough, i really love you but sometimes i want to kick you...Throw you into dustbin...Like a rubish..But i really love you... People think me so emotional when talk about love, but they don't know...When love is come to they, they will feel some situation like me...

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